Driving This Car Is Putting You at Risk

Amazon Is Working on a Cancer Vaccine

You already use Amazon.com to buy books, clothes, and food. But soon, the e-commerce giant may be offering something truly unique. Get the scoop »

Set Sail on an Autonomous Ship

Self-driving cars haven’t gained much traction yet. But another type of…

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Tags: Climate change Outer space

Make Your Fortune from Flying Cars

“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.”

Those words were written in 2011 by Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and Palantir (PLDR), and the first outside investor in Facebook.

His comment was a reference to the state of early-stage investing back then — specifically, that the…

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Tags: Flying cars Startups

Could Drones Cure Cancer?

AI Is Coming to… Soccer?

The World Cup is getting a big dose of Artificial Intelligence. Find out how it’ll be used, and why it could make the sport more exciting than ever »

A Piece of Your Childhood Is Back!

It was a major phenomenon in the 1970s…

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Tags: Drones Watches

Buy Apple's Stock BEFORE This Date

Elon Musk Has Gone Missing

It’s been a week since Elon Musk last interacted on social media. Is he taking a break — or has something sinister happened? Hmm »

Robots Are Getting Skin

The ability to feel pain still separates humans from robots. But thanks to a recent…

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Tags: Aliens Apple

How One Type of "Anxiety" Could Turn into a 6,636% Profit

Editor's Note: Wayne is traveling for the rest of this week. So today, we'll be re-publishing a timely article from our archives — be sure to read it in its entirety!

During a recent business trip, I rented a Tesla to get from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

I’d been…

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Tags: Anxiety Evs

How to Make Money in Crappy Markets

Stocks are getting crushed right now.

But surprisingly, a small group of investors is making money — a lot of money.

These investors aren’t shorting stocks. And they’re not trading options, either.

What they’re doing is far more straightforward.

Today, I’ll show you exactly what they’re doing, and I’ll give…

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Tags: Pre ipo Startups

You Could Wake Up on Mars Tomorrow

Airbnb Is Giving Away $100,000 to 100 People

Considering becoming a host on Airbnb? The company will pay you $100k to make it happen — but there’s a catch »

Should Wall Street Get Stoned?

Many believe corporate greed is a major problem in America. But there may be…

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Tags: Airbnb Mars

Forget stocks…

With all the negative headlines lately about inflation, the economy, and the stock market, you might be inclined to just put your head in the sand and tune everything out.

Maybe you’re tempted to turn off your TV, shut down your computer, and ignore your financial advisor’s phone calls.


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Tags: Private markets Stocks

BlackRock CEO Reveals the "Greatest Store of Wealth"

In terrifying markets like we’re experiencing today, the wealthy have always found smart ways to protect and grow their wealth.

For example, they invest in luxury apartments in New York or London, or bars of gold.

But recently, they’ve been turning to something new.

The CEO of BlackRock, the world’s…

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Tags: Art Blackrock