The Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson’s

These Cyborg Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

Scientists recently figured out how to turn cockroaches into remote-controlled insects. And as it turns out, these cyborgs could save your life one day. Here’s how »

A Laser-Powered Lawn Mower

An ordinary lawn mower wasn’t doing the trick for Daniel Riley.…

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Tags: Apple Parkinsons disease

Retire from just ONE Investment

Editor's Note: Matt is traveling this week. So today, we’ll be re-publishing a popular story from our archives — a story that gets to the heart of why startup investing is so exciting. Enjoy!

Two weeks before we started sheltering in place, our friend Aitio dropped by the office.


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Tags: Aitio Startups

Strange New City Opens After 50 Years

Uber Aims to Fix Its Checkered Past

Uber has made many mistakes when it comes keeping riders safe. But a new partnership promises to give passengers a new level of security. Learn more »

Beware These Vacation-Rental Red Flags

Looking for a Labor Day vacation rental? Steer clear of…

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Tags: Tesla Uber

Where to Bet BIG During Recessions

We’re in a recession…

And I believe things will get worse before they get better.

As an investor, this might have you spooked. But today I’d like to show you what’s been a consistent bright spot in the markets during past recessions.

If history is any guide, this bright spot…

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Tags: Recession Startups

Biden Cancels Student Debt… Will Housing Market Soar?

Did you see President Biden’s announcement?

He’s forgiving the student loans of millions of Americans. In fact, 20 million people are about to have their debts cancelled fully. They’re jumping for joy right now.

But surprisingly, another group of people is also jumping for joy: real estate investors.

Today, I’ll…

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Tags: Real estate Startups

Buy Apple Stock Before This Date

Would you Live in a Luxury Seapod?

Imagine living on top of the ocean. Drones would deliver everything you need — from groceries to medicine. It sounds like a scene from the future. But the future is here right now »

Robots Took Over this Hotel!

Robots have moved…

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Tags: Robots Seapod

Father Almost Jailed for Helping his Son!?

The New York Times published a wild story earlier this week.

Mark, a stay-at-home dad based in San Francisco, was worried about a rash he’d found on his son’s privates.

He was so concerned that he took photos of it, and at his pediatrician’s request, he emailed them to the…

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Tags: Cyber security Startups

This NASA-Built Technology Offers 10x Potential

If I had to guess, I’d bet you’re not an astronaut.

But I’d still wager that NASA plays a big role in your life.

You see, since 1976, the U.S. space agency NASA has been responsible for more than 2,000 innovations, many of which you and your family probably use…

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Tags: Nasa Startups Tires

LSD May Be Good for You

This Website Predicts the Future

Experts are always trying to predict the next big thing. Surprisingly, one website has accurately been forecasting the future for twenty years »

Are Pigs the Cure for Blindness?

In a recent study, multiple subjects went from being legally blind to having 20/20 vision.…

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Tags: Google Lsd

Better than Profits?

For close to 200 years, Portugal was a global superpower.

Throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, the Portuguese explored the world, traded globally, and established territories on multiple continents including Asia, Africa, and South America.

Portugal ranked right up there with England, France, and Spain.

But more recently, the country…

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Tags: Silicon valley Startups