[Breaking] An Alzheimer's Vaccine?

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best start-up deals. Now rely on us to bring you the most fascinating stories and trends from the world of technology. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Security Robot Knocks Toddler To The…

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Tags: Alzheimers Robots

New Report Sounds Alarm...

I just read a frightening research report.

It was written by the leading research firm in the world, so it’s tough to refute.

First it explains why investors like you have earned such exceptional returns over the past 30 years—then it explains why those days are over.

But there’s some…

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Tags: End of-the-stock-market Non correlated-assets

CNN Report: New “Super Bacteria” Found in Water

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best start-up deals. Now rely on us to bring you the most fascinating stories and trends from the world of technology. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Bill Gates Donates 100,000 Chickens


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Tags: Bacteria Bill gates Cnn

One Thing Successful Start-ups Have in Common

Many things can help make an early-stage company successful…

From creating the right product at the right time (like Uber), to creating an inspiring advertising campaign (like Apple’s “1984” commercial for the Macintosh.)

But if you dig deeper, you’ll find one variable that’s always there:

A successful start-up has the…

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Tags: Founders Start up-investing

A "Profit Picnic"

For the past 10 years, I’ve celebrated July 4th in the same way:

At a lopsided picnic table in the countryside, surrounded by friends, family, and mountains of beer and barbecue.

But this year, I introduced a few new items to the festivities…

And not only were these items delicious—

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Tags: Consumer products Wefunder

How Warren Buffett is helping me weather this storm...

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest and wisest investors in the world.

And over the years, his wisdom has helped me through some tough times in the market. Given the news from last week, maybe his wisdom can help you, too…

As you’re probably aware, global markets are still…

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Tags: Warren buffett

Three Investing Myths – Debunked

When it comes to investing, we’ve been lied to for nearly a century.

We’ve been told that if we take the investment path that’s “tried and true,” we’ll be able to retire comfortably, right on time.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

And today…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Stock market