Skin in the Game

Skin in the game.

Some investment newsletters have it...

Other don’t.

You see, while some newsletters make a big show about investing in the ideas they recommend, others insist on staying on the sidelines.

For many newsletters—and for investors like you—this topic inspires great debate:

Newsletters that invest could be…

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Tags: Investment newsletters

Read this before tomorrow...

You’ve already read about Wayne’s story, and about mine...

So today I want to tell you a little story about someone else.

This guy was in even worse financial shape than I was, but he still managed to transform his life.

He started out with nothing—he was really in a…

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Get Rich With Just $100?

Several weeks ago, I caught a game with some buddies at Yankee Stadium.

After buying tickets, some BBQ from Brother Jimmy’s, and a few rounds of Buds, we spent about $100 each.

The Yankees won and we had a blast.

Back in the office early the next morning, I reviewed…

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Tags: Equity crowdfunding The jobs-act

It's Not Your Fault!

When it comes to investing, we’ve been lied to for nearly a century:

We’ve been told that there are only a few different ways to invest…

And we’ve been told that if we take the path that’s “tried and true,” we’ll be able to retire comfortably, right on time.


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"Where Should We Send Your Money?"

Hey guys, Matt Milner here.

This is an actual e-mail I received a few months ago (I blurred out the details for privacy reasons):

And over the past…

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[Forecast] 98% Chance of Profits

From June 2014 to June 2015, the biotechnology sector was on fire…

In just 12 months, the NASDAQ Biotech Index (NBI) soared by 53%.

The next year, however, wasn’t nearly as lucrative:

From June 2015 up until today, the NBI plummeted by about 25%. Essentially, it gave back all its…

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Tags: Biotech

Avoiding the "Oh, S#*t!" Investment

There’s an expression in the private markets…

It’s called the “Oh, S#*t!” moment.

As one prominent investor described it, “That’s when you learn all sorts of things that you wish you’d known [before] writing a company that first check.”

In other words, it’s when you realize you shouldn’t…

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Tags: Due diligence Kauffman study