Government Insiders Are Piling Into This Tiny Company

By Crowdability, on Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Most folks don’t know this, but the U.S. military has played a key role in the development of America’s technology sector.

During the “space race” of the 1960s, for example, the Department of Defense backed a start-up called Fairchild Semiconductor.

Fairchild produced a tiny component to be used in our emerging space program.

That component was the silicon-based transistor—the same kind of chip that gradually made its way into billions of computers around the planet.

In fact, that single contract from the Department of Defense gave birth to Silicon Valley, and it’s generated trillions of dollars in wealth for investors.

But today, a new technology is about to reshape the world.

And everyone from the U.S. Military to defense industry insiders are backing the company that’s developing it.

But the best part is this:

You have the chance to claim a stake in this company, right alongside these insiders.

Military Money

Whenever the military wants to take advantage of an emerging technology, it taps the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (also known as DARPA) to identify and invest in the new sector’s most promising companies.

This gives the military first access to the best companies on the market.

While many DARPA-backed technologies have become invaluable simply by providing the U.S. Military with an advantage on the battlefield, some of these technologies are re-born as  commercial businesses, and they gradually make their way into our daily lives.  

And when that happens, it can lead to big returns for their early investors.

Take the GPS navigation system in your car, for example...

The original GPS system was developed by the Department of Defense to track enemy movements on the battlefield.

Now it’s embedded in everything from Google Maps to TomTom, a multi-billion dollar GPS navigation company.

There’s also the military technology that went on to become SIri, the voice-activated personal digital assistant now used in the Apple iPhone.

And of course, DARPA and the Department of Defense also created ARPANET…

ARPANET was the predecessor to the Internet—but before it spawned the Internet, it was simply meant for military use, as a communication network in the event of a nuclear attack.

All these DARPA-backed technologies have gone on to change the world...

And now we believe something similar could happen with a tiny defense contractor and its revolutionary new device.

You see, just like GPS and the ARPANET, this company is backed by DARPA. And just 60 days ago, the company secured a $5.5 million contract with the Department of Defense.

But we believe this is just the beginning for this company.

You see, not only could it deliver enormous value to our armed forces, but it could also become part of our day-to-day lives.

And we’re not the only ones who believe that to be the case...

Insiders Pile In

As just one example, a retired DARPA director recently joined this company’s Board.

This government insider was responsible for managing a $25 billion Research & Development budget. And he decided to join this company because he understands the potential of its technology.

Another insider who’s taken a stake in this company was formerly a lead scientist for Lockheed Martin, the giant defense contractor. In fact, before he took a stake in this company, he was responsible for one of the most advanced defense-related research facilities in the world.

The list of insiders joining and backing this company is long.

It even includes the former CTO of COMPAQ computer.

And there’s a simple reason why they’re all piling in:

They know how important this company’s technology is to the government…

And they know how important it is to the future of energy in this country.

Your Turn

And this Thursday evening, you’ll learn all the details:

You’ll learn about this company’s revolutionary device...

You’ll learn why it could solve one of the military’s most urgent problems...

And most importantly, you’ll learn how you could claim a stake in this company right now—alongside all these insiders—and potentially earn massive gains.

Our live (online) event begins this Thursday evening, November 17th, at 8:00 PM Eastern.

To lock in your seat, simply go to 15 minutes before the start of the event.

See you there!


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