This Satellite Can See Inside Your Bedroom

Code Is Cracked in “Zodiac Killer” Case

After more than half a century, a coded message sent by the infamous Zodiac Killer has been cracked. Could this break the case wide open? »

NASA Has Tip for Battling Winter Weather

Snow and ice can wreak havoc on your car.…

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Tags: Christmas Satellite

More People, More Profits?

In 1878, Professor James Murray embarked on an ambitious project.

His goal was to create the world’s first comprehensive English-language dictionary: The Oxford English Dictionary.

This dictionary would take over 70 years to complete, eventually encompassing more than 414,825 words and definitions.

In the days before computers, this must have…

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Tags: Equity crowdfunding Kickstarter

Make Your Fortune from Flying Cars

“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.”

Those words were written in 2011 by Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and Palantir (PLDR), and the first outside investor in Facebook. He wrote them as part of a manifesto for his venture fund, Founders Fund.

His comment was…

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Tags: Biotech Flying cars

Get in on Apple Co-Founder's New Business

Beware of “Grinch Bots”

Over and over again, the hottest holiday presents keep selling out online. It’s making gift-buying impossible. Who’s to blame? Robots! Get the scoop »

MIT Can Help Fix Your Jump Shot

You might not expect the eggheads from MIT to help you with your basketball…

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Tags: Mit Robots

Tell Your Boss: "I QUIT!"

Imagine walking into work tomorrow, looking your boss in the eye, and saying…

Then you could head home, kick up your feet, and start enjoying retirement!

And here’s the best part: your bills are paid, and you couldn't care less whether the market is going up or…

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Tags: Income Retirement

URGENT: Retirement Crisis

In his article last week, Wayne addressed a frightening situation in America:

The retirement crisis.

As he explained, two threats are conspiring to destroy your retirement plans.

Threat No. 1 is a stock-market correction.

You see, we’re currently in the longest-running bull market in history. But at some point, especially…

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Tags: Income Retirement

Your Empty Amazon Boxes Can Fuel Your Car

This Device Can Put an End to Nightmares

A new device just got clearance from the FDA, and it could put an end to night terrors. See how here »

Get Free McRibs from McDonalds

Want to score some free fast food? You can — but you’ll have to…

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Tags: Amazon Mcdonalds

Your $1 Million Retirement Plan

If you’re close to 50 years old (or older), you need to read this immediately…

Because your retirement is in jeopardy.

This isn’t about not being able to retire “on time.” It’s about not being able to retire at all.

But it’s not too late to act…

As you’ll learn…

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Tags: Nest egg Retirement

IPO Alert: 100,000% Gains!?

Ever had a 10-bagger before?

In other words, a single investment that returned 10x your money?

How about a 1,000-bagger? That’s enough to turn a tiny investment of $500 into half-a-million dollars.

Or what about a 100,000-bagger? That would turn $500 into $50 million.

Gains like these might seem insane.…

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Tags: 10 bagger Startups

Do These People Look Familiar to You?

How to Get Your Hands on a Free Tesla

In the next 90 seconds, you could be behind the wheel of a Tesla Model X. There’s just one catch. Find out more here »

A Fun, Safe Way to Be with Your Loved Ones for the Holidays

A Texas…

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Tags: Alexa Bitcoin