This Chart Changed Everything

Something shocking happened in 2008...

No, it wasn’t the collapse of the housing market...

Or the implosion of our country’s oldest financial institutions...

And it had nothing to do with the subsequent stock market crash that followed.

However, I’ve come to believe that this event could have a bigger impact…

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Own Hearst's Mansion… For Less

A few years back, I sold a start-up I’d founded to Hearst, the media company that owns everything from Cosmopolitan Magazine to ESPN.

To pay my respects, I decided to visit the legendary Hearst Castle.

The Hearst Castle is a 90,000 square foot mansion on California’s coast, about halfway between…

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Tags: Real estate-crowdfunding Realty mogul

"I’d Rather Be in Jail Than Home With My Wife"

“Let’s Get Rich By Making Them Poorer”

And now for something completely different! Investment banks are profiting from other peoples’ misfortunes. But this time, they’re using a controversial twist in the global legal system »


Nice Trash Can… Now Let’s See What Bears Think

To earn the label…

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Tags: Artificial intelligence

Smells like money to me...

Computers have gotten pretty smart over the years, but most folks still believe humans are better at certain tasks.

For example, we’re better at creating art or music, or playing games like chess—essentially, any task that requires creative thinking.

But on February 10th, 1996, IBM proved us wrong.


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Tags: Aromyx Machine learning Propelx

Your British Fortune-Teller Says...

Yesterday morning, as I strolled through midtown Manhattan on my way to work, I passed a stream of mysterious-looking women.

They were dressed in turbans and flowing robes, and I soon realized what I was looking at:


They’d been hiding in their air-conditioned…

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Tags: Food beverage-start-ups Seedrs

Warning: Hackers Can Now Steal Your Face

Stay Safe: Do Not Hail This Taxi!

A tiny start-up based in Cambridge, Massachusetts has launched the first self-driving taxis. “People are a little bit nervous when they get into the car…” said Karl Iagnemma, the start-up’s founder. Nervous? What could possibly go wrong?


Revealed at Last: The…

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Tags: Cyber security Self driving-cars

Proof – Staggering Results

Normally, the world of early-stage investing is shrouded in secrecy...

The professional start-up investors known as Venture Capitalists tend to keep their investment returns a closely-guarded secret.

But in a rare shift, one of the most renowned firms in Silicon Valley just made its returns public...

And the results…

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Tags: Andreesen horowitz Venture capital-returns

One "Commodity" You Must Own Today

Back in 2001, oil was trading at about $30 per barrel.

At the time, just a single oil company (Exxon) was on the list of the world’s Top 5 Most Valuable Companies.

Within a decade, however, oil shot up to $100 per barrel. All of a sudden, the Top 5…

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Tags: Mega trend Tech sector

Lifestyles of the Rich and Nerdy

What if you woke up tomorrow and found $10 million in your bank account?

How about $100 million? How about a billion?

What would you do with all that money?

What’s the most outrageous thing you’d buy?

Give it a think—

Then you can compare it to a few over-the-top…

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Tags: Elon musk Mark zuckerberg Sean parker

Do you want to live forever?

Zuckerberg Meets the Pope – Guess What He Gave Him…

Earlier this week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met Pope Francis at the Vatican. What did he give him? A drone, of course »

The Most Secretive Venture Firm in the World

A venture firm called In-Q-Tel…

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Tags: Mark zuckerberg Social media