A "Profit Picnic"

For the past 10 years, I’ve celebrated July 4th in the same way:

At a lopsided picnic table in the countryside, surrounded by friends, family, and mountains of beer and barbecue.

But this year, I introduced a few new items to the festivities…

And not only were these items delicious—

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Tags: Consumer products Wefunder

[Forecast] 98% Chance of Profits

From June 2014 to June 2015, the biotechnology sector was on fire…

In just 12 months, the NASDAQ Biotech Index (NBI) soared by 53%.

The next year, however, wasn’t nearly as lucrative:

From June 2015 up until today, the NBI plummeted by about 25%. Essentially, it gave back all its…

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Tags: Biotech

High Times for Pot Investments?

Over the coming years, very few sectors are expected to grow at triple-digit rates...

But a major exception seems to be the marijuana industry.

By 2020, industry analysts at Ackrell Capital predict that the market for legal marijuana will grow by more than 500%—making it a $25 billion market.


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Tags: Marijuana Marijuana start-ups Pot stocks

Get Paid to Get Drunk?

There are plenty of ways to make a buck in this world:

Hard work. Smart investing. Or even just good luck.

But here’s an alternative I bet you haven’t considered:

Drinking moonshine.

Let me show you how it’s done.

Forget Going “High Tech”

Last week, Title III of the JOBS…

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Tags: Low tech Startengine Title iii

The Most Profitable Fund of All Time?

For decades now, investors have poured money into all types of funds:

Mutual Funds...

Index Funds...


All with the goal of capturing financial upside and lowering risk.

Unfortunately, most of these funds stink. In fact, a 2014 study performed by Dow Jones concluded that 98% of mutual funds failed…

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Tags: Venture capital Venture capital-fund

Could This Robot Stop a Terrorist Attack?

I live in one of the most highly trafficked neighborhoods of New York City.

My home is one block from Penn Station, one of the busiest transit hubs in the country...

The Macy’s flagship store is directly across the street from me—that’s where they host the Thanksgiving Day parade…

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Tags: Defense Knightscope Security

Tiny Stocks, Monster Profits

If you’ve been paying attention to our newsletters for the past few weeks, you may have noticed a trend:

Slowly but surely, we’ve been sharing our best investment strategies. These are the specific strategies we use in our own accounts.

For example:

We showed how you can literally double your…

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Tags: Small cap-technology-stocks Small caps

Janet Yellen: "Prepare for Negative Rates"

Your bank is robbing you.

Not content to simply insult you by offering pitiful interest rates, banks have actually started stealing from you:

Enough, we say.

Today we’ll show you how to fight back—and we’ll show you how to earn double-digit returns while you’re at it.

Negative Interest Rates in…

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Tags: Negative interest-rates P2p lending