Bitcoin: Exposed!

By now, you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, the digital currency.

In its early days, many believed Bitcoin would only be used by Internet geeks. But it’s gradually become part of the mainstream financial ecosystem.

That being said, many folks still don’t understand Bitcoin—and they don’t realize that professional investors are…

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Tags: Bitcoin

As Close to a "Sure Thing" as You Can Get

Investing in early-stage private companies can be incredibly lucrative.

It’s the only investment I know of where you can turn a few hundred dollars into millions.

But to be fair, it does have its drawbacks:

For one thing, it can be risky.

And it often takes many months, if not…

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Own Hearst's Mansion… For Less

A few years back, I sold a start-up I’d founded to Hearst, the media company that owns everything from Cosmopolitan Magazine to ESPN.

To pay my respects, I decided to visit the legendary Hearst Castle.

The Hearst Castle is a 90,000 square foot mansion on California’s coast, about halfway between…

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Tags: Real estate-crowdfunding Realty mogul

Smells like money to me...

Computers have gotten pretty smart over the years, but most folks still believe humans are better at certain tasks.

For example, we’re better at creating art or music, or playing games like chess—essentially, any task that requires creative thinking.

But on February 10th, 1996, IBM proved us wrong.


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Tags: Aromyx Machine learning Propelx

A $237 Hamburger!?

Imagine going into your local diner and ordering a hamburger.

A few minutes later, it gets delivered nice and hot, cooked just how you like it. You gobble it up.

But then the waitress drops off the check and—$237!? What the…

You might be thinking, “C’mon, Wayne. A hamburger…

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Tags: Agfunder Agriculture text Agtech Farm from-a-box

Did You Vote?

Did you vote last week?

Your fellow Crowdability subscribers sure did!

We held the vote so you could pick the topic of Crowdability’s next sector report.

It was a close race, but the winner is… the IoT sector.

Those three letters represent one of the hottest trends in tech today:

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Tags: Internet of-things Start ups

"Boring" Investment Delivers Big Gains

Corporate America is in the midst of a feeding frenzy:

In the last few weeks, big corporations have doled out $4.3 billion to acquire early-stage start-ups.

But in a strange twist, all these start-ups are in the same sector—and it’s not even an exciting sector like medical devices or cyber…

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Tags: Circleup Consumer products

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History

Two years ago in this newsletter, I told you about an exciting technology trend.

At the time, a high-ranking government official had just called it “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.”

In my article, I wrote about how this trend would deliver enormous returns to early investors—and I told…

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Tags: Cyber security Fireblade