Cash in on this Infinite Royalty Stream

To me, and to most people my age, M&Ms are a chocolate candy…

But if you say the word “M&M” to young music fans, they don’t picture a treat…

They picture a hip-hop artist named Eminem.

Eminem is the best-selling hip-hop artist of all time, and the second best-selling male…

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Tags: Royalty payments Spotify

Bitcoin: Guaranteed Profits?

Today I’m going to share with you a very powerful — and profitable — trading strategy.

Under normal circumstances, this isn’t a strategy you can take advantage of often.

In fact, the opportunity to use it tends to occur just a few times a year — and even then, most…

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Tags: Arbitrage Cryptocurrencies

Pot Profits Delivered

Recently, a woman named Koushi Sunder walked into a fascinating new type of store.

At first she was excited…

But her emotions soon turned to disappointment — and then dread.

Here’s how she described it:

I felt like an idiot. I wanted to ask questions… I wanted to see what…

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Tags: Pot start-ups Stemless

Bitcoin and J.P. Morgan's Dirty Double-Talk

Two days ago, Jamie Dimon, J.P. Morgan’s CEO, started talking trash about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, quickly tumbled by 7%...

And other digital currencies fell even more.

Based on this news, your first instinct might be to sell your cryptos and run for the hills.

But that would…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ethereum

E*TRADE for Cryptocurrencies?

As recently as a few years ago, I relied on just two tools to build my wealth:

My E*TRADE account to trade stocks, bonds, and ETFs…

And my personal network to find high-potential start-ups to invest in.

But recently, I’ve added a third tool to my arsenal.

Today I’ll show…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Startengine

A platinum field so big, you can see it from space...

We recently identified a huge platinum field…

In fact, you can see this field from outer space!

But here’s the thing:

Its visibility has nothing to do with its size…

Instead, it has to do with something far more interesting — something that could lead investors like you to “astronomical”…

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Tags: Asteroids Spacefab

Earn 400% Profits in 30 Days (again)

It’s rare that an investment gives you a shot at quadrupling your money in 30 days…

It’s even more rare when it gives you that shot twice.

But that’s exactly what’s happening right now.

So today, I’m going to show you how to take advantage of this opportunity...

This is…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Neo

Steroids for Your Brain—And Bank Account

6:30AM: Coffee at home, then “boot camp” at the gym.

8AM: Take a handful of supplements and place “health” bracelet on wrist.

9AM: Arrive at office, chug a coffee and a Red Bull.

Welcome to the first few hours of my day.

Why all the caffeine? Why all the…

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Tags: Neurohacker Supplements

Bitcoin vs. Ethereum — Where are the Profits?

Here’s one of the most common questions I get asked these days:

What’s the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Many investors assume they’re similar. For example, they might think that one is like the U.S. Dollar, and the other is like the Japanese Yen.

But that assumption couldn’t be further…

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies Ethereum

[Proof] How to Double Your Money in 3 Weeks

It’s been a great summer for blockbuster movies:

Wonder Woman… Spider-Man… Atomic Blonde — combined, these three films have done $765 million at the box office.

But last weekend, after seeing Spider-Man at a deserted drive-in, I started thinking about the movie industry’s past, as well as its future.


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Tags: Fig com Video games