Steroids for Your Brain—And Bank Account

By Matthew Milner, on Wednesday, August 30, 2017

6:30AM: Coffee at home, then “boot camp” at the gym.

8AM: Take a handful of supplements and place “health” bracelet on wrist.

9AM: Arrive at office, chug a coffee and a Red Bull.

Welcome to the first few hours of my day.

Why all the caffeine? Why all the kick-starters and equalizers?

Because I want to feel sharp and focused — I want to feel great.

But now I’ve found an easier way to get the same feeling.

And not only can it make you function better…

But it might make you rich, too.

Optimizing Your Well-Being

Before we dive in, let’s look at the difference between taking care of your health, and taking care of your well-being.

We’re all familiar with taking care of our health:

Aspirin for a headache, stitches for a cut, statins for high cholesterol.

These remedies help our body get back to normal.

But recently, people are searching for ways to go beyond normal…

They want to upgrade their mental powers and their productivity. No more “brain fog”! No more lack of motivation!

They don’t just want to feel better; they want to feel great — they want to take care of their well-being.

And to achieve these upgrades, they’re spending billions of dollars…

Performance Boosters

In 2016, people looking for a jolt of energy bought more than 6 billion cans of Red Bull.

And Red Bull has plenty of competition:

Monster energy drinks did $3 billion in revenue last year, and 5-Hour Energy brought in $700 million.

With their off-the-charts sugar content, many of these drinks can cause headaches and even addiction — but perhaps that’s a small price to pay for enjoying high-energy.

For a more natural enhancer, others turn to copper bracelets.

Reportedly, these bracelets use magnets to “improve vitality.” Despite studies showing that they’re ineffective, people buy more than $1 billion of them every year.

Others turn to “supplements” from stores like GNC, which pulls in about $2.5 billion every year.

As McKinsey, the global consultancy, has noted, “Health is not just a goal. It is both a lifestyle choice and a thriving consumer market.”  That’s why the market for performance boosters like energy drinks and bracelets has now reached $142 billion.

But now there’s a new way to unlock your potential…


It’s called neurohacking.

Think of it as opening the hood of your brain to optimize your performance.

Neurohacking touches many fields, including Psychology, Neurobiology and Pharmacology — but simply put, neurohacking involves the use of “smart drugs” called nootropics.

Nootropics are nutritional supplements designed to improve human performance, and they’ve quickly become a $3.3 billion industry growing at double-digits every year.

Start-ups in the nootropics sector are raising huge amounts of capital. For example, Nootrobox, a producer of cognition-enhancing supplements, recently raised millions from top-tier investors including Andreessen Horowitz and Yahoo ex-CEO Marissa Mayer.

But now a new start-up is aiming to outperform them all…

Meet Neurohacker Collective

The company I’m referring to is called Neurohacker Collective.

Its goal is to unleash the full potential of your mind and body.

Its first product is called Qualia. It’s a 42-ingredient supplement.

Qualia has quickly achieved traction. In just 18 months, it’s reached $2.5 million sales, and it just had its first $1 million quarter. Its average margins are a healthy 27%.

The company has already attracted considerable media coverage, including The Wall Street Journal, Hollywood Reporter and Huffington Post.

And the 20,000 customers it’s attracted so far seem to be hooked.

Now Neurohacker is aiming to increase its marketing efforts, and create new solutions for everything from sleep to pain.

To bring these plans to fruition, Neurohacker needs some capital.

Which is where you come in…

The Investment

Neurohacker is currently raising about $1 million.

Any investor can get involved, regardless of income or net worth. The minimum is $500.

Is this a good opportunity?

Well, it certainly has some positive attributes — for example:

A strong team (e.g., a Harvard Law School graduate; a key developer of Blockchain technology; the former Trustee of a leading think-tank)…

A huge and growing consumer market (that isn’t subject to FDA approval)…

And a booming market for M&A (e.g., Bayer bought Schiff Nutrition for $1.5 billion; Dr. Pepper scooped up Bai energy drinks for $1.7 billion; Ocean Nutrition Canada, a leading producer of omega-3 supplements, was acquired for $530 million.)

But there are plenty of “cons” to consider as well:

First of all, the supplement market is incredibly crowded — so Neurohacker will have to fight to stand apart.

Secondly, in many corners, the supplement business has a blemished reputation as “snake oil.”

And another drawback to consider is Neurohacker’s $20 million valuation.

As longtime Crowdability readers know, we always aim to make at least 10x our money on our early-stage investments. In order to hit that mark here, Neurohacker would have to be acquired for $200 million.

Statistically speaking, that’s a big number — although as you’ve learned today, it’s certainly possible.

So if you’re interested in Neurohacker Collective — either as a supplement, or as an investor — heed the old warning:

Buyer beware!

To learn more about Neurohacker and its funding round, click here

Please note: Crowdability has no relationship with Neurohacker, or with any of the companies or platforms we write about. Crowdability is an independent provider of education, information and research on start-ups and alternative investments.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Neurohacker Supplements

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