Two New Ways To "Cash-in" on Start-ups

Let’s say you bought some shares of Amazon a year ago…

With the stock up nearly 20%, you decide to take your profits.

So you log into your brokerage account, click “sell” — and in a flash, your shares are sold on the Nasdaq and turned into cash.

That’s how…

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Tags: Secondary markets Startengine

The Secret to Consistently Winning the Lottery

“Can I borrow some sugar… and some DNA?”

We tend to feel a special connection with our best friends. But as scientists recently discovered, interests and memories aren’t the only things we share with them. That’s a strong bond »

[Video] 0 to 60 in Half A Second


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Tags: Dna Elon musk

Is This the End of Bitcoin's Bull Market?

There’s been a ton of news lately about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies…

And a lot of it has been pretty bad.

First, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan, called Bitcoin a “fraud.”

Then Chinese regulators banned Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) from their country…

Then Chinese regulators went even further:

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Pot Profits Delivered

Recently, a woman named Koushi Sunder walked into a fascinating new type of store.

At first she was excited…

But her emotions soon turned to disappointment — and then dread.

Here’s how she described it:

I felt like an idiot. I wanted to ask questions… I wanted to see what…

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Tags: Pot start-ups Stemless

"Your chances of going to jail are..."

Drop It Like It’s Hot Spot

Abraham Linksys. The LAN Before Time. Drop It Like It’s Hot Spot. Can you guess what these intriguing names are being used for? Here’s what’s in a name »

[Video] Watch a Robot Dance for Joy

Kuri is the most adorable home robot…

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Tags: Amazon Artificial intelligence

Bitcoin and J.P. Morgan's Dirty Double-Talk

Two days ago, Jamie Dimon, J.P. Morgan’s CEO, started talking trash about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, quickly tumbled by 7%...

And other digital currencies fell even more.

Based on this news, your first instinct might be to sell your cryptos and run for the hills.

But that would…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ethereum

E*TRADE for Cryptocurrencies?

As recently as a few years ago, I relied on just two tools to build my wealth:

My E*TRADE account to trade stocks, bonds, and ETFs…

And my personal network to find high-potential start-ups to invest in.

But recently, I’ve added a third tool to my arsenal.

Today I’ll show…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Startengine

Assess Your Risk for Alzheimer's

Apple Caught Helping Red Sox Cheat

The Yankees have accused The Red Sox of “stealing signs” during a recent game. This is a big deal. “Signs” are the hand signals that tell players when to steal bases or what pitches to throw — and “stealing” them can be very naughty.…

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Tags: Apple Ipo

How to Trade Cryptos Like a Pro

We received a lot of comments on last week’s article about trading cryptos.

Many readers were very excited by the profit potential…

Others, however, were a bit confused.

So today, to clear up any confusion, I’ll explain three simple trading strategies.

Once you understand these strategies, you’ll be ready to…

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies Ethereum

A platinum field so big, you can see it from space...

We recently identified a huge platinum field…

In fact, you can see this field from outer space!

But here’s the thing:

Its visibility has nothing to do with its size…

Instead, it has to do with something far more interesting — something that could lead investors like you to “astronomical”…

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Tags: Asteroids Spacefab