Stocks going down — profits going up!?

Depending on how you look at it, it could be a scary time to be an investor right now — especially in the stock market.

With Russia invading Ukraine, historic levels of inflation, and the lingering effects of the pandemic, the market is going through some rough times.

In the…

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Tags: Profits Stock market

How to Turn a 20% Loss into a 3,833x Gain

On May 8, 1945, the second world war ended.

On April 30, 1993, Tim Berners-Lee released the source code for the world’s first web browser.

And last month, on February 2, 2022, another historic event took place.

It will change countless lives and mint countless fortunes.

Wait — did you…

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Tags: Returns Unicorns

Could "Mega-Casting" Be the Key to EV Success?

Peloton Busted for “Project Tinman” Cover-Up

The last few months have been rough for Peloton. And the latest news isn’t going to make things any easier. Get the scoop »

College Student Makes Homemade Rocket Fuel — Then This Happens

When a college student tried to make rocket fuel…

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Tags: Electric vehicles Peloton

Turn $5k into $400,209 (without risking a DIME on stocks)

Today I’d like to introduce you to something rare and very exclusive.

It’s an investment that’s normally reserved for the country’s ultra-rich:

A Venture Capital Fund.

In some ways, venture funds are similar to mutual funds. But they don’t invest in stocks. Instead, they invest in an asset class that’s…

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Tags: Returns Venture fund

"Back to the Future" Goes Electric

Was This Super Bowl Ad a Scam?

If you watched the Super Bowl, you probably saw a QR code bouncing around your television screen. Were you too skeptical to scan it? Here’s what you missed out on »

He Bought it at a Yard Sale… Turns Out It’s Worth…

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Tags: Back to-the-future Outer space


Imagine walking into work tomorrow, looking your boss in the eye, and saying…


Then you could head home, kick up your feet, and start enjoying retirement!

And here’s the best part: your bills are paid, and you couldn't care less whether the market is going up or down.

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Tags: Inflation Retirement

3 Simple Ways to Crush Inflation in 2022

Last week, Wayne and I updated you on one of the biggest financial stories of the decade…

You see, new data keeps revealing that inflation is far worse than anyone was expecting. And if prices keep rising, your nest-egg could soon be worth just half what it’s worth today.


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Tags: Inflation Retirement

Wait — Virtual Reality Is Dangerous?

This is the #1 Worst Airline

The results are in. There’s a new worst airline. And it might surprise you. See who it is here »

The 40 Best (and Worst) Super Bowl Ads Ever

Super Bowl commercials have pitched some great technologies, and some real stinkers. Check out…

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Tags: Super bowl Zombies

New Inflation Data Worse Than Feared

Yesterday, Matt updated you on one of the biggest financial stories of the decade…

Something we’ve been calling the “Secret retirement-killer.”

This could potentially cost every American thousands of dollars each year, even tens or hundreds of thousands…

And it could crush your retirement plans.

What’s this retirement-killer I’m referring…

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Tags: Crisis Inflation