NASA vs. The SEC

Is there a certain subject where you’re an expert?

For example, do friends and family come to you for advice about the stock market, or buying a car, or stereo equipment?

Now imagine that you had an opportunity to make a great deal of money from your expertise—imagine you could…

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Tags: Equity crowdfunding Propelx The jobs-act Title iii

Historic Changes to U.S. Securities Laws Open New Market for Retail Investors

The story no one is telling about this historic announcement...

On October 30th, the SEC voted to legalize “equity crowdfunding.” For the first time in 83 years, all investors—regardless of income or net worth—will now be able to invest in high-potential start-up companies. However, with the potential for…

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The End of Credit as We Know It

Credit is a critical part of our country’s economic engine.

Businesses and consumers use it for nearly every economic action they undertake—from leasing equipment, to buying a home, to paying for medical bills.

The consumer side alone currently makes up 20% of U.S. GDP.

While credit can make the wheels…

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Tags: Alternative lending Credit Produce pay