The Only Proven Way to Become a "Marijuana Millionaire"

Yesterday, Matt dropped a bombshell:

He revealed that, despite today’s massive bull market in marijuana...

Most folks who invest in “pot stocks” lose money.

Today I’ll explain why this is…

Then I’ll give you access to an unusually valuable opportunity:

It’s a simple, proven way to make millions in the…

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Tags: Medical marijuana Profits

[Breaking] Major Milestone in Legal Marijuana

The legal marijuana market is gathering steam…

30 U.S. states have already legalized cannabis in some form, turning marijuana into what The New York Times calls the “fastest-growing industry in America.”

That’s why People Magazine is writing stories about “Marijuana Millionaires”…

And that’s why USA Today is calling this a…

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Tags: Federal reserve Marijuana

How to "Text" Your Way to a Profitable 2018

I’m writing to you today from a sunny balcony overlooking Miami Beach.

I’m here for a few days to escape a cold and dreary New York City.

It’s been a busy morning:

Equipped with my iPhone and a handful of apps like Coinbase, E-Trade, and Venmo, I’ve already made two…

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Tags: Fintech Mobile payments

Riding the "Crypto-Coaster"

It’s been a volatile couple of weeks for the market...

After reaching a new high of 26,670, the Dow dropped by more than 4,000 points.

But the volatility in stocks pales in comparison to the action in cryptos:

For example, after soaring to about $20,000 in December, Bitcoin recently crashed…

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Get Paid To Drink Beer

A few months ago, I went to a wedding in Portland, Oregon.

Portland is famous for its craft beers, so after the rehearsal dinner, a bunch of us headed out to a bar called Bailey’s Taproom to sample the goods.

My buddy Henry ordered a Nitro Orange Cream Ale. Pete…

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Tags: Beer Craft beer

Live the Lifestyle of the Rich & Famous

Back in the 1980s, there was a TV show called Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.

Every week, the show’s host, Robin Leach, would take viewers behind the scenes and reveal the extravagant lifestyles of the world’s wealthiest creatures.

Then, at the end of each episode, Leach would wish viewers…

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Tags: Alcohol Prosecco

Could this Start-up Cure Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer’s is a terrifying disease.

Not only can it lead to memory loss and dementia, but in the U.S., it’s the sixth-leading cause of death.

But now a new biotech start-up has possibly uncovered a cure.

For those struggling with the disease, this start-up could provide a life-saving solution…


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Tags: Alzheimers Bio tech

Prediction: 2018's Hottest Investment

If you’re a longtime Crowdability reader, then you know that today’s article is part of a long-running tradition…

At the beginning of each year, Matt and I aim to identify the three sectors that will have the most profit potential over the next 12 months.

Throughout the year, we’ll update…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Ico