Crypto, Crypto, and More Crypto

Yesterday, Matt kicked off one of our annual traditions at Crowdability…

He gave you a rundown of our most popular articles from the past year.

Well, today, I’ll be introducing you to a second tradition we have:

As we head into a new year, we aim to identify three…

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Tags: 2019 Cryptocurrencies

Should You Buy Bitcoin Now?

Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $3,400 per coin.

It hasn’t been this low in over a year, leading many to wonder, “Is now the time to buy?”

Today, we’ll answer that question — and hopefully we’ll provide you with a safe way to profit in the short-term and the…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ethereum

Lose Weight and Make Money (at the same time)

‘Tis the season… for putting on the pounds!

If you’re anything like me, the winter holidays are all about spending time with family, eating and drinking with friends — and unfortunately, gaining weight.

This leads to several grueling weeks at the gym where I try to shed as many “holiday…

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Tags: Obesity Weight loss

How to Win This "Lottery"

On Monday, like many Americans, I spent hours hunched over a laptop surfing the web.

But unlike most folks, I wasn’t shopping for Cyber Monday deals…

Instead, I was planning a getaway with my pregnant wife — our last vacation without kids.

And as I was reminded, planning a trip…

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Tags: Tourism Vacation

Can Botox Fill Up Your Wallet?

“Have you considered Botox, Mr. Milner?”

Uh, what? I was at the dermatologist and had just gotten the all-clear on my check-up…

But evidently, the doc thought I should consider some enhancements.

Actually, he thinks just about everyone should consider some enhancements.

Which is why I’m writing you today…


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Tags: Botox Fda

CBS News: Social Security Is Going Bankrupt

Counting on Social Security to pay the bills when you retire?

You might want to rethink that strategy.

You see, CBS News recently reported that the entire Social Security system is going bankrupt.

Today, I want to get you up to speed on this dire situation…

And then…

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Tags: Retirement Social security


Imagine walking into work tomorrow, looking your boss in the eye, and saying…


Then you head home, kick up your feet, and finally start enjoying your retirement.

And here’s the best part: your bills are paid, and you couldn't care less about whether the market is going up…

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Tags: Income Retirement

A Dead Simple Solution to Save Your Retirement

Wayne and I opened up a big can of worms in our articles last week:

The retirement crisis.

As we explained, the average 50-year-old today has less than $50,000 saved for retirement…

And 45% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement at all — zero.

But now that we’ve recognized…

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Tags: Private equity Retirement

URGENT: Retirement Crisis

If you’re close to 50 years old (or older), you need to read this immediately…

That’s because your retirement is in jeopardy...

Not only may you not be able to retire on time, but you may not be able to retire at all.

But it’s not too late to act…

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Tags: Retirement Social security