Do These People Look Familiar to You?

How to Get Your Hands on a Free Tesla

In the next 90 seconds, you could be behind the wheel of a Tesla Model X. There’s just one catch. Find out more here »

A Fun, Safe Way to Be with Your Loved Ones for the Holidays

A Texas…

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Tags: Alexa Bitcoin

The #1 Key to the Biggest Biotech Profits

As Wayne and I have been explaining recently, there’s one trend you absolutely need to be investing in right now:


Most investors avoid this lucrative sector because, frankly, it can seem overwhelming. “I’m not a doctor!” they say. “How am I supposed to predict which drugs will get FDA…

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Tags: Biotech Profits

Should You Consider "Turkey Insurance"?

Robots Are Coming to Your Doorstep

Be on the lookout, folks: robots might be coming to your home. Don’t worry, though. These are visitors you’ll be happy to welcome. Get the scoop »

This Device Can Beam Sound Directly into Your Head

Imagine listening to music, watching movies, or…

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Tags: Fedex Turkey

Make 400x Your Money — FAST!

Startups are my all-time favorite type of investment!

After all:

  • Their average returns are nearly 10x higher than stocks.
  • It’s exciting to be involved in cutting-edge products and technologies.
  • And by investing in startups, you’re helping to create jobs and boost the economy.

What’s not to love?


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Tags: Start engine Startups

How to Profit from At-Home Covid Testing

Last Sunday morning, I took my 2-year-old son to a zoo.

There were zebras, camels, and a kid-sized train that took him on a “safari.” Not bad, considering we were just an hour away from New York City.

There was just one problem: the zoo wasn’t as socially distanced as…

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Tags: Biotech Startups

Military Enlists Thousands of Robotic Soldiers

Don’t Fall for this “Stimulus Check” Scam

The latest scam from cyber-criminals might tempt you: the promise of a $1,200 stimulus check. But whatever you do, don’t fall for it. Learn more here »

Today’s Trash Is Tomorrow’s Booze

A British brewer is creating craft beer from stuff you…

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Tags: Amazon Robots

3 Steps to 1,311% Profits

Last week, I told you about the three big challenges of investing in small-cap stocks.

But as I explained, there’s one tiny corner of the market where you could overcome those challenges.

Well, today, I’ll finally reveal what that specific corner is…

And most importantly, I’ll share how it could…

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Tags: Profits Small caps

The Secret of "Stock Market Tracking Numbers"

For the last few weeks, Wayne and I have been explaining why small-cap stocks are one of the best ways to make big gains, fast.

But not just any kind of small-caps… instead, small-caps from one specific sector.

Well, today I’m going to reveal the details about this sector…


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Tags: Biotech Profits

Amazon Is Helping the Police Spy on You

If You’re Bald, You Know Just How This Feels

During a soccer match, a new technology was supposed to track the ball as it moved across the field. Instead, the tech got distracted by a different kind of round, shiny object. Find out what happened »

No More Lines!…

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Tags: Amazon Soccer

Explosive Small-Cap Profits

As Matt explained yesterday…

If you want all the upside potential of an early-stage startup investment…

With almost none of the drawbacks…

Then small-cap tech stocks are a fantastic option.

In fact, a major study from the University of Chicago found that small-caps outperformed large-caps by a huge margin, and…

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Tags: Profits Small caps