[BREAKING] Tech Giant Exposed as Gov't Spy

This Week in Tech

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best start-up deals. Now rely on us to bring you the most fascinating stories and trends from the world of technology. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.


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Tags: Gold Yahoo

Stock Market: Rest in Peace

I’m about to leave for my honeymoon!

Next week, my bride and I are flying to Sydney, Australia, then we’ll make our way to Byron Bay and the Great Barrier Reef.

Friends gave us suggestions for hotels, but we think it's more fun to rent cool apartments.

To find these…

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Tags: Airbnb End of-the-stock-market

The Power of Free

When he was 40-years-old, King Gillette (yes, that was his real name) was on the road to nowhere.

After failing at every business venture he’d ever undertaken, he was selling bottle caps for a living.

But early one morning, while looking in the mirror after a painful shave, he came…

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How to Turn $1,000 into $6 million — With One Investment

Yesterday, Wayne outlined the three things you need to know about market “disruption”:

  1. If you’re watching closely, you can identify where disruption will hit next
  2. When disruption occurs, the “incumbents” often lose
  3. But if you’re on the winning side, you can make a LOT of money

Today, I’m…

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Coming Soon: The Apple iCar

This is the Key to Living Forever

Here’s a look inside the “Revolution Against Aging and Death,” where hucksters, con-men (and perhaps some revolutionary geniuses) say the key to living forever is opening your pocketbook »


This Guy Made $100,000 From His Hillary Video

The jarring video…

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As Close to a "Sure Thing" as You Can Get

Investing in early-stage private companies can be incredibly lucrative.

It’s the only investment I know of where you can turn a few hundred dollars into millions.

But to be fair, it does have its drawbacks:

For one thing, it can be risky.

And it often takes many months, if not…

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Boost Your Returns by 400%

OK, so now it’s legal for you to invest in start-ups.

Sounds exciting… but should you invest in start-ups?

After all, this is a new world, and it’s natural that you have concerns.

But if you’ve been hesitating, here’s something that might push you over the edge.

Silicon Valley’s Best…

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Tags: Angellist syndicate Uber

Madoff: The True Story

Which Start-up Throws Office Stripper Parties?

Are you curious which tech start-up prefers not to hire women, and is trying to throw an office stripper party? Evidently, so are many other people »


Uber Loses $6.5 Million—Every Day

According to Bloomberg, Uber lost $1.27 billion in the…

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Tags: Ma Madoff