Four Cybersecurity Companies to Watch

By Crowdability, on Friday, January 30, 2015

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

This Week’s Best Reading

Are you a “Crowd” or a “Herd”?

How informed are start-up investors, really? Crowdfund Insider wanted to know, so they sat down for this Q&A with an MIT professor.

Crowdfunding Marches Towards the Mainstream

Equity crowdfunding platform EquityNet shares its predictions for the future as the industry continues its march toward the mainstream. Check it out.

Inside the Minds of Top VCs

Venture Capital firm Andreessen Horowitz likes to make a big fuss about investing in dynamic founders, rather than “hot” markets or trends. That said, here are "16 Things" they’ve been thinking about that look suspiciously like trends.

9 Approaches to Angel Investing

So you want to invest in start-ups. Who could blame you? But before you take another step, you need to ask yourself, "What kind of angel am I?"

FitBit for Dogs

Wearables for pets is a thing? It is, indeed. And the sector is hopping with new entrants, M&A, and $25 million funding rounds. Check it out.

Four Cybersecurity Companies to Watch

There’s been a major increase in high profile security breaches, like the Sony Hack. And all of a sudden, Security Technology companies have gone from nerdy obscurity to the front page. Now they’re attracting investment dollars like never before. Here are four companies taking full advantage.

All Eyes on Box 

As much as they might want to see a competitive frontrunner foiled, other enterprise startups might benefit from the successful public market debut for Box. Read about it here.


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Tags: Andreessen horowitz Angel investing Box ipo Cybersecurity Equitynet Wearables

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