First Time in 83 Years

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, May 14, 2015

Unprecedented change is coming to the markets this year.

A detailed announcement about it will soon be made by one of the United States’ most powerful organizations...

And it will trigger one of the largest “gold rushes” we’ve seen in our lifetimes.

Surprisingly, the mainstream press has given this event very little coverage...

But therein lies the opportunity:

By getting involved before everyone else—by getting in early—you’ll put yourself in the best possible position to make the biggest gains.

But that will only happen if you know when this change is coming...

And it’ll only happen if you know the exact steps to take to profit from it.

House of Representatives Bill H.R. 3606

Before we reveal the specific date and show you what you need to do to prepare, some back-story...

In 2012, in an effort to spur job growth, Congress passed House of Representatives Bill H.R. 3606—now known as The JOBS Act.

Congress reasoned that, since most job growth comes from small businesses, one of the best ways to create jobs would be to create more new businesses.

The JOBS Act accomplishes this by making it easier for new businesses to raise capital from investors like you.

You see, for the past 83 years, only very wealthy investors (specifically, verified millionaires) were allowed to invest in new business ventures.

But the JOBS Act will allow ALL investors, regardless of net worth, to invest.

As The Wall Street Journal put it, “If all goes well, small companies can raise cash relatively cheaply, while investors get a stake in an innovative business with limited downside risk.”

I’ll explain why this is so exciting in a moment, but first, let’s look at exactly when this new law will take effect.

Months Away

Very rarely do citizens know the exact timeline for a major market event like this...

But buried in a series of SEC filings, we discovered the approximate date:

This October 2015 timeline was then backed up by statements from numerous politicians, including Vice Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Congressman Patrick McHenry.

And finally, the Chairwoman of the SEC, Mary Jo White, chimed in...

Here’s what she said:

This is one that I think is enormously important […] it is one that I am certainly prioritizing for this year.

Bottom line:

In just a few months, you’ll finally have the opportunity to invest in early-stage start-up companies.

And here’s why you’ll want to get prepared for it...

The Most Profitable Asset Class of All Time

This might come as a surprise, but the most profitable asset class isn’t stocks...

It’s not options, real estate or natural resources, either.

The most profitable asset class is private equity...

More specifically, private start-up companies.

In fact, the five most profitable investments of all time come from early-stage, privately-held businesses. For example, Facebook’s first private investor made 2,000 times his money—that’s a 200,000% gain—when the company went public.

By getting into these investments early, you stand a much higher likelihood of hitting a major homerun.

That’s why you’ll want to begin preparing yourself as soon as possible.

By being informed, and by getting in early—before all of Wall Street and Main Street catch on—you can reap the highest profits.

Once this market heats up, the best investments will get snapped up quickly.

A Little Bit of Knowledge Could be a Dangerous Thing

Now, you might be excited at the prospect of gains like 200,000%...

But we need to warn you: with the potential for higher returns comes higher risk.

If you rush into this market before you know what you’re doing, you can get hurt.

That’s why we’ve prepared a number of complimentary training materials and resources for you:

1.  Crowdability Newsletter: We publish our free newsletter 4 times a week

2.  Resources & Reports: Check out the Resources section of our site.

Here you’ll find a number of special reports we put together to help you quickly get up to speed on this new market.

These reports include an overview of the JOBS Act, interviews with industry professionals, and some simple strategies for identifying lower-risk investment opportunities.

3.  A “Mutual Fund” of Start-ups:  We recently prepared a research report on a unique investment idea. This opportunity allows you to get access to a number of private investments before the JOBS Act goes into effect.

Essentially, it’s a “backdoor” into the private equity markets.

You can download the report here »

And if you’d like to dive even deeper, and learn even more about this new market, be sure to sign-up for one of our weekly training classes.

Again, these are completely free—and if you’re serious about making money in this new market, we consider them “must attend” events.

Happy investing.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Equity crowdfunding New law The jobs-act Title iii

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